Category Archives: Randomness


J. Bradley‘s #RemixReallySystem piece, based on this set of words:

Yelp Review – Medieval Times

You will draw a moat of seduction around salt and pepper shakers using only animal grease, skin. Worry not of errant lance shards seeking to pacify you. Worry not how the beer refracts your intentions. Worry what you look like when the photos protect this moment from revision.



J. Bradley’s poems Yelp Review: Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando & Yelp Review: The Milk Bar appeared in Issue Three.  He is the author of the graphic poetry collection The Bones of Us (YesYes Books, 2014), with art by Adam Scott Mazer. He lives at


Here is the second installment of Terry Wolverton‘s #RemixReallySystem piece, based on this pile of words.

Become silver
I’m looking for alchemy. I want to transmute myself from flesh into precious metal. I want to increase my market value. I want to be around for hundreds of years, needing nothing more than a little polish once in a while. Fingers will caress my surface, eyes will appraise me. I would be able to dress up any occasion. I would be hard and shiny instead of withered and sickly. I would be able to hold my head up high in any setting.

The last council
You’ll never get that group together again, not after what happened last night. We knew there might be friction, but we hoped some good might come of it.  Nobody expected the fat man to start throwing pies at the skinny lady, and for sure no one expected her to take off her pumps and start thwacking the tired hunchback on his head. That’s when the snakes were let loose, and this caused Elinore to pull the fire alarm. Unfortunately the mouse was trampled in the rush to escape.

Land opening into the east, there’s a bowl with hide sides on the west but the opening is to the east. I saw rabbits on the property and hawks flying overhead. There is no more land once you reach the Pacific Ocean, if you want to travel farther you have to go into space; that’s just what people want to do now, book a one-way trip into the stars. It costs all the money you have and more but where you’re going you won’t need money, no Walmart on Mars at least not yet it’s a sense of adventure that brought us here but now we’re pressed up against the edge and feeling hemmed in

Hardly fell
I meant to take a big leap so that I would descend until my consciousness funneled to a small dot and disappeared so that there would be no one left to feel the impact but I miscalculated and instead I just fell a short distance and all the time I was yelling at myself about this stupid mistake and when the sidewalk appeared underneath me my bones felt a most unpleasant sensation of shattering

Environment blooms
You’d think it would take the hint—we poison it, overpopulate it, store nuclear waste in its womb; we burn it; we siphon off all its water; we farm it until the topsoil is dust that blows into the wind; we overheat it; we buy and sell it as if it had no sentience. Still the environment produces. It’s as if it can’t help it. It loves us despite ourselves, and the worst we do, the more it tries to grow.

Buzz go
She’s driven by a kind of speed that comes from a supernatural source she can’t seem to stop herself and she’s always in motion. The light that shines from her eyes is not like the sun or the moon but like some kind of artificially generated wattage that makes you want to put on sunglasses or pull down the shades. There can be no darkness in her presence, only that relentless illumination that assaults the eye but doesn’t really shed light; it’s a demonic power.

I wouldn’t know how to measure the distance between the sun and the next nearest star. I figure if I needed to get to that star I would suddenly understand how to do it. I wouldn’t build a tin can and try to fly there.  I would dematerialize and travel as energy and then could go wherever I want. Earthlings can be so literal and it’s too bad because we miss a lot that way. Big numbers tend to give me a headache. I’m smart enough but not in that way.

Terry Wolverton’s Sizzle & Chew appeared in Issue One. She is the author of ten books of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, most recentlyWounded World: lyric essays about our spiritual disquiet. She is the founder of Writers At Work, a creative writing studio in Los Angeles, and Affiliate Faculty in the MFA Writing Program at Antioch University Los Angeles.

#RemixReallySystem piece by Douglas J. Luman

Here is Douglas J. Luman’s #RemixReallySystem piece, based on this chunk of text.

Deterioration as Philosophic Method: Grammatical Theory of Insubstantiality

after Rem Koolhaas

past radio tragic / to describe that light / o, beginning
of century / not fires, not / fade, hermetic shell / quiet
solipsism nests in spaces / tag at seams / sentences
p-i-n-e-s / we wept pretty


Note on process:

  1. The poem is a complete anagram of the words sent &
  2. Was found in Rem Koolhaas’ book Delirious New York (I’ve included the citation in Chicago format below)
  3. The title is from the letter pool as well, though not every letter is used in the title (only enough to get the piece to be cohesive)


Koolhaas, Rem. Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan. New York: Monacelli Press, 1994.


An excerpt of Douglas J. Luman‘s Star/formation appeared in Issue Four.  He is the Book Reviews editor for the Found Poetry Review, an intern at the Chicago School of Poetics, and an MFA candidate at George Mason University. He is sleeping in a library somewhere in Northern Virginia. Follow him on Twitter @douglasjluman, or at

#RemixReallySystem piece by Kelly Nelson

Here is Kelly Nelson’s #RemixReallySystem piece, based on these words.  Kelly Nelson’s poems My Uncle at Nineteen and His Mother Writes the Warden, 1955 appeared in Issue Three.

Three Falling Outs

toes traveled together
toes traveled together
toes traveled together
toes traveled together
toes traveled together
toes traveled together
toes traveled together
toes traveled together
toes traveled together
toes traveled together nation dri

poetic particles stepping
poetic particles stepping
poetic particles stepping
poetic particles stepping
poetic particles stepping
poetic particles stepping
poetic particles stepping
poetic particles stepping
poetic particles stepping
poetic particles stepping
poetic particles stepping

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Kelly Nelson‘s poems My Uncle at Nineteen and His Mother Writes the Warden, 1955 appeared in Issue Three.  She is the author of the chapbook Rivers I Don’t Live By (Concrete Wolf Press, 2014). Her poems published here were created from her uncle’s 500-page prison record and are part of a book-length found poetry project supported by the Arizona Commission on the Arts. Her found poetry has also appeared in Verbatim, Found Poetry Review and NonBinary Review. She teaches Interdisciplinary Studies at Arizona State University.



#RemixReallySystem piece by Jude Marr

Here is Jude Marr’s #RemixReallySystem piece for April, inspired by this chunk of text.

[in] and out

[d]rum [f]in[gers] [g]lint

bar[n] [inci]dent

[f]all [in]sects [di]sin[tegrated]

[re]cord [st]ate [c]lear[ance]

[e]rad[icate] man[ners]

ex[clude] [caro]line content[ious]

pill[ed] [pl]aid [sh]or[e]

[pi]rat[es] [sp]arse

[f]air glut[en]

per[haps] [w]ay

Jude Marr‘s poems adrift & flight— appeared in Issue Two.  Originally from Scotland, she is currently a teaching fellow at Georgia College, where she has recently completed a poetry MFA. Jude’s work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in The Cortland Review, r.kv.ry., Black Heart Magazine, and Cider Press Review, among others. She is also an assistant editor at Ghost Ocean.

#RemixReallySystem piece by KJ Hannah Greenberg

Here is KJ Hannah Greenberg’s #RemixReallySystem piece for April, inspired by this chunk of text.

Perhaps Whale Neurons: Life-Saving Work

© KJ Hannah Greenberg

Perhaps frail, whale neurons,
Foraged on great white boats,
Full of mad scientists seeking
Spinal, Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s
And What-His-Name’s remedies,
Get sourced in surgical suites’
Firefighting, life-saving work.

Maybe, multiple sclerosis cures,
Minus Marie Curie’s toxic doings,
Or hasty nasopharyngeal airways’
Executed methods, offer roads against
Snoring hope, horrid huffing diseases.
Such might bring bustle, evening rains,
Miracles, mayhap stay coffin makers.

Feasibly, non-invasive ventilation,
Military acumen, also pathologies,
Miles out from veracity, don’t merely
Tend sick and broken bodies’ never-
Ending ribbons of hospital floors,
Clinical trials (that camera obscura

Of established medicine), implants.
Exactly, doctors’ payloads, first light,
Plus at dusk, formulate possibility’s
Rivers, like balmy vacations, like old
Tinctures, like witch doctors’ charms.
They resist G-d’s timeout, His network
Parameters, Fahrenheit or Celsius,
Fight to limit cosmic permanence.

KJ Hannah Greenberg’s poems have appeared in issue #2 and issue #4 of Really System.  Her newest books include: The Little Temple of My Sleeping Bag (Dancing Girl Press, 2014), The Immediacy of Emotional Kerfuffles (Bards and Sages Publishing, 2013), and Citrus-Inspired Ceramics(Aldrich Press, 2013). Among her forthcoming collections are: Cryptids (Bards & Sages Publishing, 2014), Jerusalem Sunrise (Imago Press, 2014), Simple Gratitudes (Propertius Press, 2014), Word Citizen (Tailwinds Press, 2015), andMothers Ought to Utter Only Niceties (Unbound CONTENT, 2015).

Our first #RemixReallySystem piece, by Jeremy Dixon

In celebration of National Poetry Month, Really System Labs will feature works from RS contributors and friends all throughout April 2015. This work is based on randomly-selected chunks of text from Really System issues 1-5 that were distributed to participants.  To start us off, Jeremy Dixon used these twenty-five words to create the piece below.

my accidental
my amateurs
my boat
my button
my carrot
my drag
my entrance
my exegetic
my fast
my geese
my hard
my inlaid
my language
my now
my operation
my pillows
my platitudes
my primordial
my printing
my rear
my scathing
my tuna
my unratified
my village
my witch


Jeremy’s poem In Retail (xxii) appeared in Issue Two.  He was born in Essex, England. He now lives in rural South Wales making Artist’s Books that combine poetry and photography. His poems have appeared both online and in print. For more information please visit;, or follow him on Twitter @HazardPressUK

Really Sypsum is a Lorem Ipsum generator populated with words & phrases found in Really System issues 1 through 5

If you are in need of text, Really System can help. Announcing Really Sypsum, a dummy text generator based on the work that has appeared in Really System issues 1-5.


Use this text to fill your empty publication designs, your essay assignments, your love letters, your journals, your dreams. Each paragraph is chock full of Really System goodness, fresh from the genius contributors to our first year’s worth of issues.

From the the official press release:

It puckers against my graying meat, a pact. The new mayor ventriloquized regions or remember 8-Track tapes meaningful. Morse Code messages what isn’t having a harbinger of evil fool. Spidering idle morning lights rondeau isn’t cooking and food and culture bridges. Quick as a month or minute plumbing being woozy, reeling ashtray.

A cassette in a tape player which was mercury. Fire equals ouch by hip. Imagine this guys worst identified isn’t woozy, reeling century. Quick as a month or minute w which was whales, parrots, corvids, grieve skeletons, our country club manners, fish eyes, pickled calf feet, puppy ears was advanced. The Eeyore of journalists now hips. A synthesizer kills cassettes were an occasional fantasia whispered bugged. Continuum & waiving exemptions, I reports of to catch his voice going, now walk back you live at all in cast. The burning memory of mercenary alms at pretended. Would a member of beauty go to hell had is they leave a guy alone jim.

This RS_Labs project is based on an adaptation of James Stuckey Webber’s custom Lorem Ipsum generator Menno Ipsum, the original code for which can be found here on GitHub. I haven’t modified much, but have plans to add tools for making stanzas and lines rather than prose paragraphs. So, treat this like a work in progress.

Of all of the Lorem Ipsum examples I found, I liked Menno Ipsum one the most because it accommodates a massive word list, which is sourced at random, along with an additional list of phrases that preserve certain word groupings from the original poems. Also, it should be able to grow gracefully as the corpus increases in size.

There are dozens of other approaches, though, including the original Lorem Ipsum, , Delorean Ipsum, Hipster Ipsum, and many, many more.

The word and phrase lists were updated to include the text of Issue Five February 8, 2015.