Category Archives: Twitter

Epic poem slowly tweeted: “placid for song no virtue matters held”

Starting this evening, @ReallySystemBot, our little automatic friend, is tweeting out a 2,000-line epic poem entitled “placid for song no virtue matters held,” one rhyming couplet at a time for the next 2500 hours.

The poem is based on the randomized text of Really System Issues 1-5, broken into 10-syllable rhyming couplets using a modified version of Ross Goodwin’s python script.

I hope you enjoy this poem as it unfolds over the course of the next few months; it’s dripping with Really-System-ness, and I find it a joy to read.

Bot-driven Preview to Issue One

Every fifteen minutes for the last several hours, @ReallySystemBot, our automated twitter pal, has been tweeting out random lines from the poems included in Issue One.




When every line has been tweeted, sometime on Friday, January 17th, Issue One will be released.