Category Archives: Issue Nine

ISSUE NINE BY THE NUMBERS: 11 poets, 13 poems, 3,422 words

The numbers are in! 3422 total words in the 13 poems in Really System Issue Nine: Y’all Reset My S. 1,176 of those words were unique.

The most common words in the issue (after removal of Torporware stopwords): horse (38), good (33), like (23), love (18), don’t (11). “Like” has been in the top 10 most frequent words in nearly every issue. Like wow.

Longest pieces: from Good Horse (1,768 words), The Poet’s Ancient Cursor (352 words). Alejandro Escudé, author of The Poet’s Ancient Cursor, had the longest piece in Issue Five with A Proper Pressurized Blast. Go read that.

Shortest Pieces: Deconstruction VI (52 words), Afterglow (77 words)

Highest vocabulary density (total words / unique words): Afterglow (922.1), My Husband Grows a Rose Hybrid with No Thorns (884.6). Both by Tammy Robacker!

Lowest vocabulary density (total words / unique words): from Good Horse (259.6), Vapor Trail (542.2).

Most of the five most distinctive words in the issue are thanks to Sarah B. Boyle’s Before You Look at the Plan, Ask Yourself: 1: ſuch (3), againſt (2), ſo (2), think (2), almoſt (1)