Here are Susan L. Lin’s #RemixReallySystem pieces, handmade anagrams of words from this list of randomly-selected Really System text.
Susan L. Lin’s poem When You Are Sleeping appeared in Issue Two. She completed her MFA in Writing at California College of the Arts, where she spent her days photographing toy dinosaurs and eating pie. Her novella Goodbye to the Ocean was a semifinalist in the 2012 Gold Line Press chapbook competition. Her short prose recently appeared in Hayden’s Ferry Review,Ghost Town, Midway Journal, MadHat Annual, and Gravel.
Taunja Thomson’s image-based #RemixReallySystem piece, built from these words.
Taunja Thomson’s poem Skull, My Former appeared in Issue Five. Her work has appeared in The Cincinnati Poets’ Collective, The Cincinnati Poetry Review, and The Aurorean. Her poem “Seahorse and Moon” was nominated for the Pushcart Award in 2005. Several of her poems will be featured in the summer and spring editions of The Cahaba River Journal, as well as in winter issues of Squalory, Lime Hawk Journal, and Wild Age Press.
If you were wondering where the words in Issue One crowd around the page, here is an image of the text of each poem overlaid. If you pay close attention, you can read a few bits here and there, but you can also get a sense of the forms the poems in the issue tend to take.
The overall effect reminds me of the cover to Magus Magnus’s book The Re-Echoes, which I highly recommend.
Poems from Really System recombined, remixed, and remodeled