There are 19 pieces in Issue Two with a total of 3,765 words and 1,753 unique words by 15 poets.
Longest pieces (by words ): Payload Dump (1,157), The Sanctity Of Lists (260).
Shortest pieces: adrift (36), flight (54)
Highest vocabulary density (total words / unique words): adrift (888.9), Assistance with Quickly Becoming Unbearable (886.2).
Lowest density: Translations of an Algorithmic Love Poem (466.7), Payload Dump (474.5).
Most frequent words in the issue (excluding stop words):
- unmanned (21), all in Payload Dump
- like (18), 3 in No Sin Like Arson, 3 in Online Dating Inbox, 3 in Water Cycle #1, 3 in Water Cycle #3, 2 in While You Are Sleeping, 1 in Emily Dickinson Did Not Drive a Car, 1 in Especes Perdue, 1 in Surviving the Desert, 1 in The Sanctity of Lists.
- systems (18), all in Payload Dump
- isr (17), all in Payload Dump
- rsta (17), all in Payload Dump