Here is KJ Hannah Greenberg’s #RemixReallySystem piece for April, inspired by this chunk of text.
Perhaps Whale Neurons: Life-Saving Work
© KJ Hannah Greenberg
Perhaps frail, whale neurons,
Foraged on great white boats,
Full of mad scientists seeking
Spinal, Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s
And What-His-Name’s remedies,
Get sourced in surgical suites’
Firefighting, life-saving work.
Maybe, multiple sclerosis cures,
Minus Marie Curie’s toxic doings,
Or hasty nasopharyngeal airways’
Executed methods, offer roads against
Snoring hope, horrid huffing diseases.
Such might bring bustle, evening rains,
Miracles, mayhap stay coffin makers.
Feasibly, non-invasive ventilation,
Military acumen, also pathologies,
Miles out from veracity, don’t merely
Tend sick and broken bodies’ never-
Ending ribbons of hospital floors,
Clinical trials (that camera obscura
Of established medicine), implants.
Exactly, doctors’ payloads, first light,
Plus at dusk, formulate possibility’s
Rivers, like balmy vacations, like old
Tinctures, like witch doctors’ charms.
They resist G-d’s timeout, His network
Parameters, Fahrenheit or Celsius,
Fight to limit cosmic permanence.
KJ Hannah Greenberg’s poems have appeared in issue #2 and issue #4 of Really System. Her newest books include: The Little Temple of My Sleeping Bag (Dancing Girl Press, 2014), The Immediacy of Emotional Kerfuffles (Bards and Sages Publishing, 2013), and Citrus-Inspired Ceramics(Aldrich Press, 2013). Among her forthcoming collections are: Cryptids (Bards & Sages Publishing, 2014), Jerusalem Sunrise (Imago Press, 2014), Simple Gratitudes (Propertius Press, 2014), Word Citizen (Tailwinds Press, 2015), andMothers Ought to Utter Only Niceties (Unbound CONTENT, 2015).